When you run nearly two years of university-building through your soul, eventually it’ll come out the other side in verse form. I could feel it happening. After spending several weeks wrestling out a few lines here and there, the Muse woke me up one night at 2 a.m. and the rest appeared on the page almost faster than I could write it down.
Here’s my sentimental look inside UATX.
Once-hallowed halls lie hollow there Where ivy grows with speech ensnared, Where bureaucrats enlarge the cost And thoughtful questioning is lost Pride rests upon a spoil’d mystique, No longer open to critique But who can find the old wellspring Where soulful scholars go to sing A song composed by forebears wise Of seeking truth amidst the lies, Of facing challenges with grit, Of knowledge deep to recommit With gratitude for what’s been done, Of building to a future won With fortitude that’s borne of grace? Oh! have you heard of such a place? Here thought is dared and truth pursued: The university, renewed
Stephen Plodinec is the Creative Director of the University of Austin.
Is this a joke? This has to be a joke. It's like somebody put their knitting on an academic homepage.